What Is Your Legacy?


& your bucket list = 2 most important things to ponder in life.

Although these two big life determiners should always go hand in hand in life, I doubt that they do.

When people think about their life, they think about the things they want to achieve or experience. And I get it, I think about it too, I also have a bucket list which for example includes a trip to Japan.

It is considered to make life worthwhile, and it's true, but the bucket list is individual; it only matters for the person executing the list. It is also for The Now, as our legacy will be for The After, and not for us anymore, but for others.

After the 50 years (if I'm lucky) when I am not physically here does not mean I vanish completely, because I will leave things behind.

And when I say things, I don't just mean physical things, but intangible things; memories and examples.

We will all leave something behind when we are no longer on Earth, if not anything else, a memory in minds of those with whom we crossed paths.

Therefore it is good to think about what you would like to leave behind when you are no longer among your current relatives.

What is your legacy?

A house? Money? Some object? Art? Example? Lifestyle? Advice?

If you leave a house or money, you will leave security for your offspring. They will have a feeling that you wanted to secure that they will be taken care of when you are gone. Or if they already have their own house and money, then you will give them a bit of luxury to do things out of the ordinary. If you leave objects, you'll leave a story. And if you leave art, you leave your sense of beauty.

I have been pondering about this legacy thing quite a lot lately, because of the bad behavior of some people in my life but also because of my own bad judgment calls when I was younger.

I really don't want to be remembered in a way I know I will remember certain people. I don't want to be in that group because then life wouldn't have been worthwhile. Not even with a long, exciting, entirely fulfilled bucket list.

Life is worthwhile when you give the best for yourself, but also when you give your best for others as well.

I would like to be remembered as a warm, smiling person who always sees the silver lining. I would also like to leave good advice behind so that my kids would not make the same mistakes in life what I did. For example quitting a job before you have a new one and keep good care of your teeth because if not, both will cost you a lot later on. I would advise having a bit of saving too because you never know what life throws your way; a possibility or a threat. But the most important advice I would give is to have the attitude to resolve problems, not escape them.

Therefore, my legacy would be my effort of trying to show the best in me plus the insight into my life, what went well and what went wrong, and how I handled the situation.

I also think that family ties are important to keep at least neutral if not anything else. This era is concentrated on career and individualism, but what everyone ultimately needs, is a supporting and loving family. The bigger the loving family, the better.

And the last thing, what I would like to leave as a legacy, is, of course, to highlight the importance of the same question I am now answering to.