Team Angelina or Team Jennifer?
I am sure everyone has made their choice long ago.
Because of our 'bond' with celebrities.
We think we know celebrities because they have shared their lives, their performances, and their thoughts with us.
But of course, we don't.
It's an intriguing phenomenon. That we feel high emotions when a celebrity we've never met gets divorced or encounters another negative happening. We think "Oh, so sad..." like they were our friends.
But of course, they are not.
And when a celebrity turns out to be a monster, we are surprised. How could that happen after all those nice interviews, pictures, and performances! He/She was such a nice person!
But of course, he/she wasn't.
Because celebrities give to the audience only what they want to give.
Would you spill out all your worst thoughts, acts, and weaknesses in front of the camera?
No. Well, only if it would benefit your career somehow, but it rarely does.
It's an odd thing really, to think you know someone just because of seeing them on the screen or reading about them in the paper.
But you know, it's just the basic rule of advertising. More on display, more "knowledge" you have about the product or the person, so you think you are able to form an opinion based on that large amount of knowledge (=display).
Or maybe it's our natural desire to connect with other people and if someone does that (even through an interview or a performance), we join the connection effort and form naturally a sort of a bond with the person who is good at connecting with other people.
This phenomenon reaches so far that it's disturbing.
Do you for example remember where you were, when Princess Diana died?
I do, I was maybe 10 years old, watching TV when an extra announcement came to the top of the TV screen. I didn't know who she was but it was weird to have that on the TV so I yelled at my mom that she had died. She came to the living room and said "Really?" with a shocked face.
What about when Michael Jackson died?
I first heard it when I was working a morning shift at 6 am in H&M, the store manager brought some garments to the storehouse where I was unpacking merchandise and asked me if I knew that Michael Jackson had died (with a face that she hoped that she was the first to break the news, maybe knowing that I would always have a memory of her through this impacting event). And she was right, I will now always remember her face when thinking about the death of Michael Jackson.
I think that I will form the same type of memory trail when Queen Elisabeth II and Madonna die, they both are such big icons of our era.
But any other people, not likely because the world of publicity is now for everyone and therefore it's really hard to do something so influential a really long time to be able to leave a memory trail in minds of those who are left behind.
And that's good.
Not only for us regular people for not getting too deep into the lives of people we don't know but good for celebrities because that way they wouldn't have to live with so many expectations. It would be so nice if we stopped acting this way towards people we don't know and quit forming these odd bonds that are far from reality.
But of course,
I think we all know,
we won't.