Cut Kim Kardashian Some Slack!
I was feeling adventurous the other day and decided to stir up the hornet's nest a bit.
So, I thought: "Who could be the person/the subject for that?", "Ah, Kim Kardashian, of course".
And if you now think that, "yeah, let her hear it!"
You are wrong, I am not going to write about something a dozen of people have already written.
Like I said, I'll go the other way around, be adventurous you know, and write why everyone should see the other side of the coin, which is rarely mentioned.
And I didn't have to think long about the positive effect of the Kim K -phenomenon.
Well actually, I didn't only find one good thing, but two!
But first, let's make the obvious things clear so that you won't think that what I am going to write about next, came without considering these well-known facts:
So, Kimberly Kardashian, what comes to your mind first? Mine: never-ending selfies, nudity, and money hoarding. Sounds bad for people who live an ordinary life without any of those things, but let's first make one thing clear; she is not the only person living that way. There is a lot of exactly similar people like her, so the real problem (if you want to see it as a problem, it's your choice) is not her, but in general, the values of life. But this post isn't about that so I will now move on...
She has a lot of followers, yes, but it's also a bit unfair to make her the leader and culprit of something that would have happened anyhow, with or without her. Our society would have sexualized even more with or without her. Someone else would have taken the opportunity anyhow. Although the Kardashians would now disappear entirely, another person/family would rush in and take their place, because it is not about them, it's about certain types of people and that type is not going anywhere, just changing their behavior to match the 21st century.
Kim is seen as the snake's head, which needs to be cut off to make the phenomena go away.
But to make phenomena go away takes a lot of time, the change of an entire generation. What will next generations think about this extreme exhibition, we will just have to wait and see. My guess is, it's not going anywhere, because, in my opinion, the phenomena just change forms.
I don't like this exhibitionist phenomenon that much, or better said, I don't like that it is so woman concentrated. Where are all the men posing semi-nude in yachts and football fields? Ronaldo at least is trying to make things score, but I am still waiting for a family of 6 Chris Hemsworth looking brothers, playing volleyball under the Californian sun, taking a walk with their T-shirts tied up in their waists, laughing, and maybe doing a bit of parkour, without T-shirts (I mentioned that already didn't I?)
There will always be an audience for this kind of stuff, and you know it, men and women. I don't watch the Kardashians, but I do watch 90 Day Fiancé (don't ask me why). It's like someone said: "I need this trash in my life".
But now my first argument of the positive side of the Kardashian effect.
I guess this is self-evident (that's why I left the other one last); family comes first.
The Kardashian family sticks together, no matter what. And family is what counts, although it comes from a family that benefits from drama, they still represent a very different, modern family, that sticks together. And that's the biggest richness anyone could ask for.
But now, the other, and maybe even more significant argument than family bonds.
Education is for Everyone. Even (especially) for those who you consider that can not learn more/much.
I like it a lot that Kim Kardashian is studying to be a lawyer because she shows her fans that besides looks, education is also important and that it can be pursued, whoever you are.
If she would've continued being just a selfie person the rest of her life, I would have not respected her, but now I think she is trying to do something really difficult; adding the importance of education to those who rely on their looks to survive in life.
I don't mind seeing Kim in strings if there is a book somewhere in the picture too because although you might think that it doesn't have any effect, it does. Only the person who belongs to a certain audience can have an effect on them. Julia Roberts wouldn't have success promoting books or education to Kim's audience although she would spend billions doing so.
And Kim shows that reading and learning is for everyone, even for those who you would never imagine opening a book in their life.
Although Kim is possibly planning big prison reforms to do in the future (and have her name written in history with something actually important), I think her example of pursuing a career through education, might be much more important and significant in the long run than a prison reform in one country.
Therefore, I am happy this snake of phenomena slithered into the library and made a little change of course. Because it's not that easy to convince people to educate themselves more.
And whoever promotes that, I clap.
(Especially those with 100m followers, you Go Kim!)